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Max Jackson has been storytelling for as long as she can remember. The songs she has written over the years and the melodies that have emanated from her soul have formed a style that is all her own. Now, Max tells the one story she has been longing to tell all along; her life story.


I had the honour of sitting down with Max before the album is released tomorrow; Friday the 7th of February 2020.


So the album! It’s been a long time coming!


So long! It’s really exciting and scary and all of the above. But I can’t wait! I’m excited to hear what people like and what they think as a whole.



What to you is the best thing about releasing new music out into the world?


The best thing about it is this is the first thing I’ve ever released, so finally having something to show when people ask what I sound like. Being able to say I have an album out and having my story in a little time capsule I think is a really exciting thing.



Explain to the readers a bit about the process of recording and writing an album.


I have been writing for a really long time, just taking my time figuring out who I am as an artist. I took a few trips to Nashville and to LA as well to write with some amazing songwriters, then ended up band tracking the album in Nashville before bringing it back home and fine tuning it. Saying it like that seems really quick but it’s a lot more! The longest part of the process is figuring out a concept for the album and musically exactly where it sits.

Max Jackson - Shot By Talz
Do you have a favourite song on the album?


I have a few. One of my favourites and the hardest to sing because it’s really close to my heart is the very last song on the album called ‘Better’. It’s a song I wrote for my sister who’s gone through a major transformation in her life over the last three or four years and it’s a song that’s my way of saying she’s always been equally as beautiful. So that’s a special one to me.



That’s too sweet. Off the top of that, can you think of a favourite lyric you have from the whole album?


Ooh, yeah it’s in that song. I have a few because I love lyrics so much, but my sister and I both have a tiny little rainbow tattoo, and there’s a lyric in the chorus that says, “If you were a rainbow you wouldn’t stop at seven. You would be the most colourful rainbow ever.





So that’s my favourite lyric I think.



Now that you have a full album out, what will touring look like for you?


Touring is huge! We’ve got dates booked until September all around Australia. I’m on the Beautiful Tangle tour with Gina Jeffreys and Rod McCormack which is so much fun. I’m also in the midst of organising an album launch in Newcastle!



Was there anything else you’d like to add and say before the album is released?


You can pre-order the album before the release tomorrow on iTunes, Apple Music and Spotify! If people do listen, I would ask them to listen in order. I’ve put a lot of thought into the order of the tracks so if you have the time it would make me super grateful.



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