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Max Jackson - Shot by Talz



Album Launch: Review + Gallery


It's been almost a month since Max Jackson released her debut album Life of the Party, and to celebrate, she threw a party of her own at the Royal Exchange Salon Theatre in Newcastle. 


Walking into the room you were enveloped with nothing but Max energy. Small in size it packed huge amounts of warmth, spirit and love; covered with sparkling lights, beanbags and cushions, this was to be the ultimate album launch for this country song girl.


On stage sat a total of seven guitars including Max's infamous starburst-coloured star guitar. On she came, and the room filled with loved ones and fans alike lit up brighter than the stage lights ever could. 

Max Jackson - Shot by Talz

Playing through her album, she told stories of each song and how they came to be. My personal favourites are still Jungle and Time Machine, and seeing them played live were a dream. 


Throughout the night Max was accompanied on stage by mentor and friend Rod McCormack, beast bassist James Gillard and her fiancé Jeremy. Gina Jeffreys joined Max onstage for Star and what a beautiful moment it was; their friendship shining through laughter and hugs as they graced the audience together.


"I'm going to remember this night forever," Max kept gleaming to the crowd, unable to wipe the smile from her face.


People sang along with every song which left the home-grown star in shock as the album hadn't been out for that long. That's the thing with Max's songs; they're so catchy and memorable that you can learn the words very quickly. That's what makes her one of my personal favourite artists.

After the show, Max stuck around to say hi to everyone, took some photos and signed some CD's. I've never seen anyone so happy to play their music to others, and I've never seen a crowd more proud than they were of Max.


If you ever have the chance to see Max perform live, trust me you do not want to miss out on it. Her light, soul and absolute love for everything she does will fill your heart and soul with glee and you'll be left smiling for days.



You can purchase Life of the Party here or stream it on Spotify.
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